Thursday, May 1, 2003

Consideration about boring joke 2003.5.X first appearance

I wonder what is "A laugh" for human beings.
I thought like that.
So then,I immediately Investigated in the dictionary of Sanseido DaijiRin near hand.

Gag......Dialogue and Action that Inserted irrespective deployment of the story in order to make the audience laugh at movies, plays, etc.

Tale……Short story.Especially, lightly clever short story with satirical and twisted.Skit with wit and rich in satire.

Comedy......When the audience were nervous on a movie,A ridiculous scene is Inserted for relax tension.The scene or a person who plays that role.

Humor......Joke with elegant and witty like to make us smiling instinctively.

Pun......bad puns. boring joke.So-called "dajyare" in Japanese language.

In the variety program on TV,wedding ceremonies or funerary scenes are often chosen as a scene of tale.It is thought like that it is aim to the effect of the above tale and comedy.
In other words,After set up a tense scene that viewers will can share, Performers do ridiculous play for make us laugh in that situation.
I think like that tale and comedy can generate fun for the first time with sharing of implicit rules that social contraindications.For example,We usually don't do such things in such a place scene…etc.
Recently,Such social contraindications or conventional common sense and tacit rules of Japanese society are collapsing.
Therefore,If mass media try to make general public laugh,It become like a lie or become state of "What is fun" in a lot of opportunities.
In some cases,I feel pitiful a person who has been laughed.
The collapse of the 1940 system or The impact of the end of Total Middle Class Society are seen here too.And,The ordinary Japanese statue disappeared.
Therefore,I think that became very difficult to establish tale or comedy that everyone can laugh.
In society that various elements are different(For example, individual way of thinking,hobby of each person,feeling for thing), Everyone can not laugh at the same subject.

But,I think that it is probably a progress.
It may be pleasant for everyone laugh on the same subject.
However,Perhaps,It seems that self-esteem of the subject would was hurt by laugh.

Perhaps,Young people may not know.
In the TV program so-called "ORETACHI-HYOUKINZOKU"
(It was released on DVD revival version at recently)
I feel like that everyone were laughing.
When I was a child,If I not watched "HYOUKINZOKU",
I could not enter a conversation with my friends.
There was also a way of saying ghost program.
(So-called OBAKE-BANGUMI in Japanese )
It is TV program that be broadcast a long period like most the Japanese are watching.
A good old era wrapped in such a sweet sentiment.
I feel like that it will not come back.

It is often said that Humor of European politicians are sophisticated.
However,I feel like that sad thing that has been refined in the history of war in Europe.
Crisis always may happens,If we make a little mistake we become a war each other.
In such tension status,Politician dodge crisis by nifty word.
Probably,Their technique of way of saying was being polished in such situation.

Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi said that I am Optimist's Obuchi,on a international conference.
As a result,It seems he bought a cold lol once.
Unfortunately,Even if It is a warm pun or boring joke(so-called dajyare in Japanese)domestically, Probably, It may was not accepted as a sense of humor in the international community.

I feel like that puns(so-called dajyare)will disappear from Japanese society.
A warm total midstream society that was ridiculed as the only successful socialist nation is over,And personal thought,way of feeling etc. is different,When society that we always should care about communication came,Surely,pun(so-called dajyare)would not communicate.

I also will stop to say puns from now on.

This is real ...(KOREGAHONTONO….The way of saying of dajyare in Jpanese)