The traditional battle has changed from professional baseball Giants · Hanshin fight to national team soccer match of Japan and South Korea imperceptibly.
Although I think that when did it change,It seems that it has changed.
Recently,I am confused often due to consensus is not formed for such things in the between generations, regional.
The other day, Although I talked with a 50's person,That person has thought that young people who dyeing hair or are piercing are bad boys.
And,Talking became story of runaway group after he watched my appearance that wear leather pants and ride a motorcycle.
Because the mass media have to transmit information assuming the general public,
Although they would have to set up Japanese common sense at somewhere,
When wrote as a traditional battle,There are both people who imagine the Giants · Hanshin fight and some people imagine Japan and South Korea national team battle in soccer.
Further,When wrote countryside, There are both a person who imagines a dirty rustic place and a person who imagines place where water and air are tasty and people are warm.
Furthermore,When wrote as piercing on brown hair, There are both people who imagine a juvenile delinquent and people who imagine weak young people who care about fashionable things.
Like the above viewpoint will miss.
In a word, Although It can say that the viewpoint of diversification of values is missing,It will be an important problem even on writing novels.
Novel has to make remind "That story world exists" for reader due to only words.
At such time,When wrote as the traditional battle,There are both people who imagine the game of Hanshin and the Giants and people who imagine the Japan / Korea national team battle on soccer.
In such situation,The expression will must be more strict.
In other words, We will can't use metaphors or simile which based on Japanese common sense.
For example, When wrote that three young people with piercing on brown hair were watching my direction, There are both people who imagine the bad threesome are provocationing and people who imagine that weak young threesome who care about fashionable things are watching my direction.
in such situation,We are not able to use that expression.
If writer has not a grasp that the inside the reader's head,Writer is not able to make a story world by only words.
Person with mental illness can not write story about mentally illness people.
Because the diversification of values is progressing at a ghastly speed,
I think that Novel that all Japanese people can sympathize will doesn't come out anymore.
With it, the novel that I have written so far is getting older steadily.
Even if it is the work of only two or three years ago,Things that are imaged from words which are side-by-side had changed.
Traditional battle is whether a Giants / Hanshin fight or Japan / Korea national team game on soccer. It is quite important problem either for me and for society.